Presentation by:
- Freek kapteijn and Jacob Moulijn (Chemical Engineering, Catalysis Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, NL),
Throughout its existence the Eurokin consortium has been active in developing efficient tools for determining the performance of predominantly heterogeneous catalysts. The general purpose is obtaining intrinsic catalytic information of the active phase, without parasitic influence of transport phenomena, although for instance in reactor design also the performance of commercial catalyst particles is desired.
The development comprised smart experimental testing methods and criteria to test the absence or presence of interfering phenomena on the basis of experimental data. Catalyst testing has been scaled down tremendously during the existence of the consortium. Advances in design and construction of microreactors have been a source of inspiration for the field of catalyst testing. However, there are limits to scaling-down, due to the different scaling dependencies of involved phenomena. A classic challenge is scaling down multiphase systems in beds packed with mm-sized pellets.
The Eurokin consortium is based on a unique cooperation between industry and academia where industry felt a need for a more sound theoretical and practical basis in the field of catalyst performance testing and academic groups enjoyed translating fundamental achievements into a tool kit for kinetic and catalyst performance studies. The cooperation between the industrial and academic members was a big success and Eurokin evolved into a real expertise centre.
An overview will be given of the achievements in the Eurokin consortium regarding performance testing and the challenges where further development is desirable.
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