Presentation by:
- Christophe T’joen, Martin Rohde (TU Delft, Radiation Radionuclides & Reactors, The Netherlands),
- Ruud van Ommen (TU Delft, Chemical Engineering, The Netherlands
Short overview of current activities at TU Delft related to packed bed thermo-hydraulics; experimental as well as computational (random packed beds of spherical particles).
Applications: multi-tubular catalytic reactors and nuclear pebble bed reactor. The higher voidage near the wall causes potential problems: bypass, reduced heat transfer, hot spots. This is not easy to model with e.g CFD. The packages Fluidity and OpenFoam are used. A structured tubes for gas-liquid reactions such as a Sulzer packings offer a superior pressure drop, superior heat transfer, flatter temperature profiles and a comparable mass transfer.
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