Presentation by: David Vervloet, Ruud van Ommen, Freek Kapteijn (TU Delft, Catalysis Engineering)
Diffusion limitation in the liquid-filled pores of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts causes a increase of the H2/CO ratio inside the catalyst pellets, which negatively affects the chain-growth parameter alpha. A modelling study was performed to investigate whether a lower bulk H2/CO ration can improve the reactor performance. Using literature reaction kinetics and a chain growth probabilty function taken from De Deugd (TU Delft) a bulk H2/CO of 0.8 preserves the productivity also at CO Thiele modulus > 1, i.e. at higher temperature. The catalyst requires a water-gas shift functionality and should be as active as possible and not deactivate at low H2/CO ratio.
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