Presentation by:
- Fred Meunier (Institut de Recherche sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France),
The characteristics of various FT-IR cells used for the operando characterization of heterogeneous catalytic reactions are discussed in relation to the measurements of accurate reaction rates. Temperature deviations of over 20°C easily occur. Sample bed by-pass by the reaction flow and temperature heterogeneity may greatly disguise the sample activity. The cell itself can be catalytically active. Possible cell improvements are discussed. Examples of application of operando FT-IR to the investigation of various systems are presented: NOx-storage-reduction, hydrogenation of toluene, hydrogenation of CO, the preferential oxidation of CO, and the water-gas shift reaction. Many relevant information for kinetic modelling can be obtained (using differential conditions): transport, nature(s) and coverage of sites, heat and mode of adsorption, poisoning, adsorbate reactivity.
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