Part 1: Rob Berger, E. Hugh Stitt, Guy Marin, Freek Kapteijn and Jacob Moulijn, Chemische reactiekinetiek in de industrie (1), NPT Procestechnologie, 1 (Jan-Feb 2002), 14-18;
Part 2: Rob Berger, E. Hugh Stitt, Guy Marin, Freek Kapteijn and Jacob Moulijn, Chemische reactiekinetiek in de industrie (2), NPT Procestechnologie, 2 (Mar-Apr 2002), 16-21.
Publ_NPT, based on the CatTech paper, was published in the Dutch scientific journal on process technology: ‘NPT Procestechnologie’. The language of the paper is Dutch. Besides translation, the size was significantly reduced by removing some ‘intermezzos’ and by some rewriting. The paper was pubished in two parts: (i) :
- Download the Abstract: Chemische reactiekinetiek in de industrie (Dutch) - Downloaded 1344 times