Presentation by:
- Vittorio Petrazzuoli (a,b), Yves Schuurman (b), Matthieu Rolland (a), and Adrien Mekki-Berrada (a) (a) IFP Energies Nouvelles, Solaize, FR (b) IRCELYON, Villeurbanne, FR,
Packed bed millireactors are already used for the screening phase of the catalyst development cycle. The possibility to use these reactors for catalysts performance prediction is quite attractive, but it requires a better knowledge of the flow characteristics. For the gas-solid case the major findings are that the value of reactor/particle diameter ratio is crucial and determines the flow characteristics of the packed bed millireactors while the use of porosity fillers improves hydrodynamics and mass transfer. CFD simulations have proven to be accurate and faster than experiments to predict Pe numbers.
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