Presentation by:
- Martijn F. De Lange, Thijs J.H. Vlugt, Jorge Gascon, Freek Kapteijn (Catalysis Engineering – Dept. Chemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands),
Based on the paper published in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (200 (2014) 199–215) the widely used technique of nitrogen adsorption @77 K on porous materials is analyzed and discussed.Based on a thorough error analysis using data from six representative porous materials, recommendations are made how to perform the optimal measurements, to determine pore volume, an easy to use method to determine the relative pressure window for the BET analysis, and to use nonlinear parameter estimation for higher accuracy.
A pore size distribution technique like the BJH method is contaminated with such a large error that statistically hardy conclusions can be drawn. Application of the outline approach reduces enormously the scatter in literature data for a metal organic framework MIL-101 (Cr).
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- Download the presentation part A: Analysis of the nitrogen adsorption technique to characterize porous materials - partA - Downloaded 1873 times
- Download the presentation part B: Analysis of the nitrogen adsorption technique to characterize porous materials - partB - Downloaded 1996 times